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Low Intensity Mental Health Services

Low Intensity Mental Health Service (LIMHS) provides free counselling and psychosocial education to people in Darwin, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs to any person in the community over 15 years of age.


Remote community people can access our services via video conference or phone support for individual sessions and group sessions are available on request.​


Who is this program for?


​LIMHS is targeted for people who recognise that they are struggling with personal and professional barriers in their everyday lives, this can include but not limited to:​


those who are suffering from multiple life challenges and barriers including isolation, anger, depression, domestic violence, or low self-worth;

disengaged from meaningful purpose;

presenting at-risk behaviours;

experiencing grief, bereavement or a sense of loss; or

struggling with motivation, distress tolerance, managing worries or understanding emotions.



​​​To access our service, please complete the referral form below and one of ourTherapeutic Program Counsellors will be in touch with you.

Referral Form

Personal Details:
Carer / Responsible Adult:

Please note: Authority is required for remote areas phone counselling for minors.

Referred by: (If Agency Referral)

Thank you for your submission.We will contact you as soon as possible to arrange your session.

​For more information about Saltbush Low Intensity Mental Health Services,

call (08) 7915 7001 or email

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